Loops: while – random – Roll one Die

More on The Random Module

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Write a program, random_module_YI.py with this short program to understand how random.randrange works.

# Show the randrange range with the "while" loop

import random

i = 0
counter1 = 0
counter8 = 0

print("This program is silently counting the number of times")
print("the numbers 1 and 8 randomly come up with the following ")
print("instruction: randNumber = random.randrange(1,8)") 

while i < 1000:
    i += 1
    randNumber = random.randrange(1,8)
    if randNumber == 1:
            counter1 += 1
    if randNumber == 8:
            counter8 += 1

print("\nThe number 1 showed up ", counter1, " number of times")
print("The number 8 showed up ", counter8, " number of times")

This program is silently counting the number of times
the numbers 1 and 8 randomly come up with the following 
instruction: randNumber = random.randrange(1,8)

The number 1 showed up  141  number of times
The number 8 showed up  0  number of times

Answer these questions on the corresponding post:
1. What is needed to import to be able to use the randrange function?
2. What does the body of the loop do?
3. What are the two “arguments” used in randrange?
3. What can you say about the second “argument” in randrange

Write a program, one_die_YI.py that prompts the user how many times to roll a six-sided die and a number on the die. Then it displays how many times the numbers come up.

The output should look like this:

User friendly introduction... 

How many times do you want to roll a six-sided die? 500
What number would you like to know how many times it comes up? 3
The number  3  showed up  61  number of times in  500  of rolls

User friendly exit ... 

Write a program, one_die_all_YI.py that prompts the user how many times to roll a six-sided die. Then it displays how many times all the numbers come up.
How many times should a die be rolled to validate the theoretical probability for each face to come up?