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Welcome to PHS and to a New School Year!!

In this class you will learn the python programming syntax

# Hello World: most popular program ever written!!
# GE
# 9/7/2055
# python 3.x

print("Hello world")
print("What is your name?")
myName = input()
print("It is good to meet you, " + myName)

##Hello world
##What is your name?
##It is good to meet you, Alice

Write programs to run an application like the one below:

A mail-order house sells five products whose retail prices are as follows:  Product 1, $2.98; product 2, $4.50; product 3, $9.98; product 4, $4.49 and product 5, $6.87. 

Choose from the following:
Product number?: 1
Quantity?: 2
Do you want to continue?(yes/no): yes
Product number?: 2
Quantity?: 5
Do you want to continue?(yes/no): yes
Product number?: 3
Quantity?: 3
Do you want to continue?(yes/no): yes
Product number?: 4
Quantity?: 1
Do you want to continue?(yes/no): no
Total Price: $62

or a program to calculate prime numbers

Up to what number would you like to display all prime numbers? 15
All the prime numbers from 2 to 15 are:

write graphic oriented programs
Screen Shot 2016-09-07 at 1.28.00 PM

and lastly, animations!

For loop and random: Whack a Mole

Write a program, to emulate the arcade game.


Use the random feature of the python math library to randomly select a number between 1 and 3 inclusive.

Prompt the user for a number between 1 and 3.

You whacked the mole if you guess the right number!!

Keep track of how many times you play and how many times you whack the mole and display them as scores with a good message, “Great”, “Not so good”, “Booooo”.

Hint: Can use this code to get you started?

#>import random
#>for i in range(10):
#   print(random.rantint(1,3))

List: more advanced concepts in list

more advanced concepts in list

# Creating and accessing tuples.

# retrieve hour, minute and second from user
hour = int( raw_input( "Enter hour: " ) )
minute = int( raw_input( "Enter minute: " ) )
second = int( raw_input( "Enter second: " ) )

currentTime = hour, minute, second   # create tuple

print "The value of currentTime is:", currentTime

# access tuple
print "The number of seconds since midnight is", \
   ( currentTime[ 0 ] * 3600 + currentTime[ 1 ] * 60 +
     currentTime[ 2 ] )

List methods:
