Functions: Circle Calc


Re-write the circle calculator program to use functions and add two more functions: sphereVolume
This function must:

calculate the volume of the sphere
print volume with a message

The other function, sphereSurfArea must:
calculate the surface area of the sphere
print the surface area with a message

#             Functions
def getRadius():
# prompt the user for radius
     radius = float(input(“What is the radius?”))
     print(“The circumference is “, 2 * pi * radius)
     return radius


def sphereVolume(radius):
    # calculate the volume of the sphere
    # print volume with a message


def sphereSurfArea(radius):
    # calculate the area of the sphere
    # print area with a message


#   Driver: control the flow of execution
#   main
radius = getRadius()


import math # on first line
piVariable = math.pi