Category Archives: Class work

Advanced: Computer Number Systems – Part 1

Computer Number Systems – Part 1



Prof. Joseph J. LaViola Number System Resources

Since binary numbers representing moderate values quickly become rather lengthy, bases eight (octal) and sixteen (hexadecimal) are frequently used as short-hand. Octal numbers group binary numbers in bunches of 3 digits and convert the triplet to a single digit between 0 and 7, inclusive.

Some online help on binary numbers

Classwork:Do the rest of the parts for each exercise.

Work on Tic Tac Toe project.

Advanced: Computer Number Systems – Part 2

Computer Number Systems – Part 2

All computers – from large mainframes to hand-held micros – ultimately can do one thing: detect whether an electrical signal is “on” or “off”. Computer programs in BASIC and Pascal are converted by various pieces of systems software into sequences of bits (Binary digITs) which correspond to sequences of on/off (equivalently TRUE/FALSE or 1/0) signals. Proficiency in the binary number system is essential to understanding how a computer works.

The Decimal Number System



The Binary Number System



Convert a Binary Number to Decimal Number


The Hexadecimal Number System


The Octal Number System


Converting between different Number Systems.




Prof. Joseph J. LaViola Number System Resources

Since binary numbers representing moderate values quickly become rather lengthy, bases eight (octal) and sixteen (hexadecimal) are frequently used as short-hand. Octal numbers group binary numbers in bunches of 3 digits and convert the triplet to a single digit between 0 and 7, inclusive.


Some online help on binary numbers

Classwork:Do parts a and b for each exercise.

Work on Tic Tac Toe project.

List: Intro

working with lists

Write a new program, with the work develop in class.
1. Create a list, aList of 100 integers from 1 through 100.

Some tricks you should know:

total = 0
for i in range( len( aList ) ):
   total += aList[i]
print ("the sum of all items in the list is ", total)

total = 0
for item in aList:
   total += item
print ("the sum of all items in the list is ", total)

print ("the sum of all items in the list is ", sum(aList))

2. Create an empty list and adds to the end of the list 100 random integers from 10 to 500
3. Print the list in 10 rows by 10 columns format. Make sure the columns are lined up.
4. Count the number of integers that are even and odd and displays the values with a message.

List: Basic Assignments

Write a python program,
1. Create a_list and assign 20 random integer numbers between 50 and 75.
2. Create a new_list with 20 random integer numbers between 61 and 91.
3. Create another list, newer_list whose items are the sum of each item on the lists a_list and new_list
4. Create a histogram from a list of values.

# Creating a histogram from a list of values.

int_values = []   # a list of values

# input 8 integers from user
print ("Enter 8 integers between the values of 1 and 10:")

for i in range( len(int_values) ):
   new_value = int( input( "Enter integer %d: " % ( i + 1 ) ) )
   int_values += [ new_value ]

# create histogram
print ("\nCreating a histogram from int_values:")
print ("%s %10s %10s" % ( "Element", "Value", "Histogram" ))

for i in range( len( int_values ) ):
   print ("%7d %10d  %s" % ( i, int_values[ i ], "*" * int_values[ i ] ))

5. Create and display a histogram from a list of 10 random integer values between 5 and 9.
6. Use a list to solve the following problem: “Read in” 6 numbers. As each number is read, print it only if it is not a duplicate of a number already read.

Required Submission
1. Copy and paste the programs in the Text Entry tab.
2. Submit the or the link.
NOTE: Documentation
a) Assignment description ( you can copy and paste the assignment itself)
b) Author’s name
c) Language and version
d) Date of completion
Input(If any) and output for each part.

List: python’s basic concepts in lists

python’s basic concepts in lists
Write a python program

  1. Creating a list.
  2. add elements to a list
  3. access a list’s values by iteration
  4. access a list’s values by index
  5. modify elements in a list
  6. add all elements in a list
  7. assign 100 random integer numbers between 1 and 100 to a new empty list, new_list
# 1. Creating a list.

a_list = []    # create empty list

# 2. add elements to a list
for number in range( 1, 11 ):
   a_list += [ number ]

print ("The values of a_list are:", a_list )  

# 3. access a list's values by iteration
print ("\nAccessing values by iteration:")

for item in a_list:
   print (item,end='')

# 4. access a list's values by index
print ("\nAccessing values by index:")
print ("Subscript   Value")

for i in range( len( a_list ) ):
   print ("%9d %7d" % ( i, a_list[ i ] ))

# 5. modify elements in a list
print ("\nModifying a list value...")
print ("Value of aList before modification:", a_list)
a_list[ 0 ] = -100   
a_list[ -3 ] = 19
print ("Value of aList after modification:", a_list)

# 6. add all elements in a list
total = 0
for i in range( len( a_list ) ):
   total += a_list[i]
print ("the sum of all items in the list is ", total)

# 7. assign random integer numbers between 1 and 100 to a new empty list, new_list

Required Submission
1. Copy and paste the programs in the Text Entry tab.
2. Submit the or the link.
NOTE: Documentation

a) Assignment description ( you can copy and paste the assignment itself)
b) Author’s name
c) Language and version
d) Date of completion
Input(If any) and output for each part.

List: Tutorial on list(range(10))


More on for-loops and review of previous assignments.

>>> list(range(10))
[0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9]
>>> list(range(1, 11))
[1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10]
>>> list(range(0, 30, 5))
[0, 5, 10, 15, 20, 25]
>>> list(range(0, 10, 3))
[0, 3, 6, 9]
>>> list(range(0, -10, -1))
[0, -1, -2, -3, -4, -5, -6, -7, -8, -9]
>>> list(range(0))
>>> list(range(1, 0))

Write code snippets for the following specific sequence of integers using the range function:
NOTE: the lower and upper bounds are included in the lists.
a. A list of even integer numbers from 2 through 24.
b. A list of even integer numbers from 48 through 22.
c. A list of perfect square numbers from 1 through 100.
d. A list of numbers starting from -13 through 0.

Required Submission
Copy and paste the snippets and the output in the Text Entry tab.

NOTE: No need for documentation.

List: sum of all

Sum of all items in a list

More for loops


#  Mrs. Elia
#  12/12
#  for loops: find the sum of all the
#  numbers in the list

aSeq = [8,6,3,2,10]
tally = 0

for i in aSeq:
    tally += i
print ("The total of all the items in the list ", aSeq, "is ", tally)

##The total of all the items in the list  [8, 6, 3, 2, 10] is  29

Class work:

Write a python program, to find the sum of the numbers from x to y where x and y are two numbers the user inputs. Your program should prompt the user for x and y. Make sure your program checks x is smaller than y.

Write a python program, to find the sum and the average of the following list: [45,23,76,18,90,123,56,76,89,22,41,56]
The output should look like this:
The sum of all the items in this list [45,23,76,18,90,123,56,76,89,22,41,56] is xxx and the average is xxx.xx.


Functions: an Introduction

Using definitions to write better style programs


#  Re-write this program using functions 
#  Mrs. Elia
#  python 3.9
#  10/8

name = input("what is your name? ")
print("Happy Birthday to you!")
print("Happy Birthday to you!")
print("Happy Birthday, dear ", name + "!")
print("Happy Birthday to you!")

##what is your name? grace
##Happy Birthday to you!
##Happy Birthday to you!
##Happy Birthday, dear grace!
##Happy Birthday to you!

Let’s re-write it with functions:

#  Using functions to design your program
#  Mrs. Elia
#  python 3.9
#  10/8

def happy():
   print("Happy Birthday to you!")

def sing(person):
   print("Happy Birthday, dear ", person + "!")
def main():
   name = input("what is your name? ")


##what is your name? grace
##Happy Birthday to you!
##Happy Birthday to you!
##Happy Birthday, dear grace!
##Happy Birthday to you!

Functions: Say Hello

Complete this assignment.


# Description: improve this program by using functions 
# Mrs. Elia
# 10/7
# python 3.9
aName = input("Hi! What is your name? ")
print "Hello ",aName, "! I hope you are enjoying your day!"

##Hi! What is your name? grace
##Hello grace! I hope you are enjoying your day!

Here is an outline of the changes:

aName = input("Hi! What is your name? ")
print "Hello ",aName, "! I hope you are enjoying your day!"

# to functional programming
def hello(aName): # it prompts the user for a name
                  # it prints a message with the name

def main():       # it calls the only one function

main()  # execute by calling it

Read this article: Fostering Tech Talents in School. All of it.

Functions: Visualization


You will be drawing a sketch like this one
1. Draw a visualization for the
2. Draw a visualization for the following assignment:

Write a program, to simulate a 4-function calculator.
Follow these guidelines:
a. Define dataInput function to prompt the user for two integer numbers and passes them to the other functions. Here is the syntax to pass more than one parameter: return [num1,num2]
b. Define function menu:

  1. Add
  2. Subtract
  3. Multiply
  4. divide

c. Define a function for each operation
def add(nums):

def subtract(nums):

def multiply(nums):

def divide(nums):

d. main should look like this:

Welcome to "My Python Calculator"
Would you like to 
1. Add
2. Subtract
3. Multiply
4. Divide
Select your option by entering the number 1

Enter a number 4
Enter another number 9
The sum of 4 and 9 is 13
Would you like to do another operation?  y/n 

Functions: Temperature Functions


Implement the following function fahrenheit to return the Fahrenheit equivalent of a Celsius temperature.

   F = (9/5) * C + 32

Use this function to write a program, that prints a chart showing the Fahrenheit equivalents of all Celsius temperature 0-100 degrees. Use one position of precision to the right of the decimal point for the results. Use the “%” to format your output properly.

Add a function celsius to return the Celsius equivalent of a Farenheit temperature.

    C = (5/9) * ( F – 32 )

Just like the previous function, print a chart with the Celsius equivalents of all Fahrenheit temperature 0-100 degrees. Use one position of precision to the right of the decimal point for the results. Use the “%” to format your output properly. The program should start with a menu to choose which temperature’s table the user wants to select
Welcome to Farenheit-Celsius Tables
Pres 1 for Farenheit 2 for Celsius and 3 to exit.

Functions: Intro

Improving programs by using FUNCTIONS

Q: Why?
To be able to reuse the code multiple times.
To make the program easier to read.
To organize the many lines of code.

Q: How?
By keeping together related instructions in groups or blocks.
By writing a driver of instructions.

Parts of a good-style program:

1. Header
2. Imports
3. Functions
4. Driver: main
5. Input/output as comment

Let’s look at a general outline:

#             Imports

#  Author's name
#  Assignment description
#  Python version
#  Date

#             Functions

def one():
    # something

def two():
    # something else

# Driver: control the flow of execution

# main


Here is a working example:

#  G. Elia
#  Greeting program with functions
#  Python version 3.4
#  Date 10/22/15

#             Functions

def welcome():
     # something
     name = input("What is your name? ")
     print ("Hi ", name, "! Nice to meet you ")
def howRU():
    # something else
     feeling = input(" How are you?  ")
     print ("Did you say you are are feeling ", feeling, "? ")

# Driver: control the flow of execution
# main

Another way to use a function

#  G. Elia
#  My weekly activities
#  Python version 3.4
#  Date 10/22/15

#             Functions

def morning(day):
     if day.startswith("M") or day.startswith("W"):
         print ("Come to school early morning for extra help ")
     elif day.startswith("Tu") or day.startswith("Th"):
         print ("Go to the weight room early morning to exercise ")
def afternoon(day):
    if day.startswith("M") or day.startswith("W"):
         print ("Swimming right after school ")
    elif day.startswith("Tu") or day.startswith("Th"):
         print ("Club meeting in room 242 right after school ")

# Driver: control the flow of execution
# main
##Come to school early morning for extra help 
##Swimming right after school 
##Go to the weight early morning room to exercise 
##Club meeting in room 242 right after school 

Functions: Circle Calc


Re-write the circle calculator program to use functions and add two more functions: sphereVolume
This function must:

calculate the volume of the sphere
print volume with a message

The other function, sphereSurfArea must:
calculate the surface area of the sphere
print the surface area with a message

#             Functions
def getRadius():
# prompt the user for radius
     radius = float(input(“What is the radius?”))
     print(“The circumference is “, 2 * pi * radius)
     return radius


def sphereVolume(radius):
    # calculate the volume of the sphere
    # print volume with a message


def sphereSurfArea(radius):
    # calculate the area of the sphere
    # print area with a message


#   Driver: control the flow of execution
#   main
radius = getRadius()


import math # on first line
piVariable = math.pi

Functions: constructor

Constructor Functions and the type() function: Functions that have the same name as their data type and create objects or values of this data type are called constructor functions. How do you find the value’s data type?

pygame.PixelArray Data Type and the PixelArray() constructor function.

Advanced: switch and more on Scope – Functions

Python Variable scopes

#  Mrs. Elia
#  12/17/14
#  Local and global variables
#  Definitions

def intro():
    message = ' Welcome to my world '
    switch = 'off'

def closing():
    switch = 'neither'

## Main
switch = 'on'

1. Change the definitions so each of them reassign the value of the global variable switch.
2. Remove the print statement in each of the definitions but print the value of the global variable switch after each definition call.
This is what it should look like:

# Main
switch = 'on'


The output should be: It is a wonderful day. Fix the problem without removing the definitions and without adding print staments to the definitions.

#  Mrs. Elia
#  12/15/2014
#  Local and global variables
#  Definitions

def intro():
    word1 += "is a"
    word2 = "wonderful"
    return word2

def closing():
    word4 = "day."

## Main
word1 = "It"
message = word1
message = intro()
message = closing()

# The output should be: It is a wonderful day.
# Fix the problem without removing the definitions and
# without adding print staments to the definitions.

The output should be:
It is a wonderful day.

Functions: with return

A “different” function: return

#  G. Elia
#  Greeting program with functions and 
#  the return keyword
#  Python version 3.4
#  Date 10/22
#             Functions

def welcome():
     # something
     aName = input("What is your name? ")
     return aName
def howRU(aName):
    # something else
    print ("Hi ", aName, "! Nice to meet you ")
    feeling = input(" How are you?  ")
    print ("Did you say your are feeling ", feeling, "? ")

# Driver: control the flow of execution
# main
aName = welcome()


The circle calcualtor program:

#             Functions
def getRadius():
     # prompt the user for radius


def sphereSurfArea(radius):
    # calculate the area of the sphere
    # print area with a message


#   Driver: control the flow of execution
#   main
radius = getRadius()

List: and slicing


What does each of the following statements print?
Answer this question and explain what each of them does on ( Use IDLE )
NOTE: be clear
words = “happy face”

Write a short python program, to replace an ‘o’ with an ‘e’. Prompt the user for a word and display the swapped version of it if it contains an o. Otherwise, the program will just display the original word. This program must use the slicing technique you learned in the Hagman program.

Type a word and I will replace any 'o' with an 'e': broom
The swapped word is: breem

List: phrase.replace(‘ ‘,’-‘)

A little help with the spaces in the phrase:

phrase = "have a good day"
phrase = phrase.replace(' ','-') # replace space with dash
newphrase = ''

blanks = '_ ' * len(phrase) # underscore plus space

for i in range(len(phrase)):
    newphrase += phrase[i] +' ' # add a space to each letter to match
                                # the underscores plus space

for i in range(len(blanks)):
    if newphrase[i] == '-':
        blanks = blanks[:i] + '-' + blanks[i+1:] # replace the underscore
                                              # with the corresponding dash


##h a v e - a - g o o d - d a y 
##_ _ _ _ - _ - _ _ _ _ - _ _ _ 

Function: Mail Order System

Good programming style:

  1. Header (Description, author’s name, date and python version)
  2. Imports
  3. Functions definitions
  4. Driver (#main)
  5. Proper exit of the program with a message
  6. Input/output as comment

NOTE: Have a comment with “main” in it to indicate the beginning of instructions execution

A mail-order house sells five products whose retail prices are as follows: Product 1, $2.98, Product 2, $4.50, Product 3, $9.98, Product 4, $4.49, Product 5, $6.87.

Write a python program that reads a series of pairs of numbers as follows:

a) Product number;
b) Quantity sold.
Your program should use functions and good programming practices. It should calculate and display the total retail value of all products sold. Use a sentinel-controlled (like “yesNo”) loop to determine when the program should stop looping and display the final results.
Sample output:

Welcome to Mrs. “Elia’s Mail Order Clearing House”
Product 1, $2.98
Product 2, $4.50
Product 3, $9.98
Product 4, $4.49
Product 5, $6.87

Product number?: 1
Quantity?: 2
Do you want to continue?(yes/no): yes
Product number?: 2
Quantity?: 5
Do you want to continue?(yes/no): yes
Product number?: 3
Quantity?: 3
Do you want to continue?(yes/no): yes
Product number?: 4
Quantity?: 1
Do you want to continue?(yes/no): no
Total Price: $62

An example of a program outline Draft

#### Documentation
#### imports
#### function definitions
#### maybe welcome function definitions
#### maybe product and quantity function definitions with other features 
#### maybe tally function definitions
#### exit/goodbye function definitions
#### main
## call welcome function with prompt for input
## call function(s) with arguments from the welcome function
## call tally function?
## call exit function
## output: shopper activity

Algorithm: Mail Order and Variable Scope (Resource)

Scope: Local

#      NO Imports

#  G.Elia
#  Mail Order application with functions
#  Python 3.5
#  today's date

print("This is an order form for a mail-order house.")

#      Functions' Definitions

def initializeTotal():
    totalinit = float(0)
    return totalinit

def productPrompt():
    product = int(input("Product number? "))
    return product

def quantityPrompt(product):
    quantity = int(input("Quantity? "))
    if product == 1:
        subTotal = quantity * 2.98
    elif product == 2:
        subTotal = quantity * 4.50
    elif product == 3:
        subTotal = quantity * 9.98
    elif product == 4:
        subTotal = quantity * 4.49
    elif product == 5:
        subTotal = quantity * 6.87
    return subTotal

def final (total):
    print("Total Price:",total)

# main - Driver: control the flow of execution

yesNo = 'y'
totalInit = initializeTotal()
while yesNo == 'y':
    product = productPrompt()
    totalInit += quantityPrompt(product)
    yesNo = input("Do you want to continue? (y/n) ")

## input/output
##This is an order form for a mail-order house.
##Product number? 1
##Quantity? 2
##Do you want to continue? (y/n) y
##Product number? 2
##Quantity? 3
##Do you want to continue? (y/n) n
##Total Price: 19.46


List: Applications – food survey

List Applications

# Creating a histogram from a list of values.

values = []   # a list of values

# input 10 values from user
print ("Enter 10 integers:")

for i in range( 10 ):
   newValue = int( input( "Enter integer %d: " % ( i + 1 ) ) )
   values += [ newValue ]

# create histogram
print ("\nCreating a histogram from values:")
print ("%s %10s %10s" % ( "Element", "Value", "Histogram" ))

for i in range( len( values ) ):
   print ("%7d %10d  %s" % ( i+1, values[ i ], "*" * values[ i ] ))

Exercise 1:
Use a list to solve the following problem: Read in 20 numbers. As each number is read, print it only if it is not a duplicate of a number already read.
Make it an interactive program:
1. A message should be displayed when the user enters a number that has already entered as input.
2. As a way to validate no repeats it prints back the number.

Sample Output:
Enter a number: 2
Enter a number: 4
Enter a number: 5
Enter a number: 2
2 is a duplicate
Enter a number: 10

Exercise 2:
Write a python program that uses a list to summarize data collected in a survey. Consider the following problem statement:


Sixteen students were asked to rate on a scale of 1 to 10 the quality of the food in the student cafeteria, with 1 being “awful” and 10 being “excellent”. Place the 16 responses in a list and determine the frequency of each rating.

Randomly assign 16 numbers between 1 and 10 to a list, survey, and use this list as an index of another list, ranking, to keep track of the count of the responses.
Create a histogram with the ranking data.

A little help…

ranking = [0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0]
survey = [1,5,3,4,1,1,1,2,1,2,1,3,4,5,1,7]

Do not  use "if's" statements. Instead use the following:

       ranking[ survey[ i ]  ] + = 1

Exercise 3:
You are a score keeper for 20 ice hockey players. Implement the code to keep track of their scores using a list. Program accepts integers as input and it is called Simulate a game by entering a good number of scores.


Sample output:

... the game is on!!!
what player scored a goal? 3
what player scored a goal? 5
what player scored a goal? 3
what player scored a goal? 3
what player scored a goal? 5
still game on?y/n y
what player scored a goal? 5
what player scored a goal? 5
what player scored a goal? 5
what player scored a goal? 4
what player scored a goal? 6
still game on?y/n y
what player scored a goal? 5
what player scored a goal? 5
what player scored a goal? 7
what player scored a goal? 8
what player scored a goal? 1
still game on?y/n y
what player scored a goal? 5
what player scored a goal? 5
what player scored a goal? 3
what player scored a goal? 2
what player scored a goal? 5
still game on?y/n n

Creating a histogram from players:
Player      Goals  Histogram
      1          1  *
      2          1  *
      3          4  ****
      4          1  *
      5         10  **********
      6          1  *
      7          1  *
      8          1  *
      9          0  
     10          0  
     11          0  
     12          0  
     13          0  

Exercise 4:
You are in charge of keeping track of the numbers that are called out in a Bingo game. Using a list implement the code to keep track of the numbers. The numbers will be called until the board is completely filled up. You can think of this simulation as if the balls are replaced back for drawing again. In this program use the random feature to simulate turning the spherical basket with all the balls inside. It is similar to the game of Bingo but not quite. At the end of the program print the number of times a random number was called with a meaningful message. Name your program


Function: Algorithm – Tic Tac Toe

Open a new file,
Include the output and some comments from the following code:

# don't forget the header and comments

import random

# returning a list
x = 2
y = 3

def returnAList(a,b):
    a += 2
    b += 3
    return [a,b]

# Main
xyList = returnAList(x,y)

# print either 0 or 1
for i in range(10):
    print(random.randint(0, 1),end = ' ')

# print the first letter


# adding items to any list
anyList = []


sentence = 'it is a wonderful day'
sentence = sentence.split()

sentence = ' '.join(sentence)

# random choice
spaces = '1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9'.split()

# what does this print?

Screen Shot 2014-12-04 at 10.01.11 PM

Write an algorithm to play Tic-Tac-Toe. (Use pseudocode)
You are allowed to use the following functions from Al Sweigart’s program but your don’t have to:
isWinner(bo, le)
The rest must be implemented with your original and creative algorithm.

NOTE: this is a “what if” type of program. Think of all the moves ahead at each step. You can use as many “if’s” as you want!!
Keeping in mind the different locations in the board:
Screen Shot 2014-12-05 at 8.19.05 AM

Visit and answer these questions that could help you put together your algorithm. Remember it is your algorithm!

1. Before you commit to a move, what two things should your program check for?
2. What is the best spot on the board to start or to take the next safe move in the game?
3. What is the next best spot?
4. What is left when all the good spots are gone?
5. How many moves does it take to win, tie or lose a game of Tic Tac Toe? Best case, worse case and in an average case.

Make sure your algorithm addresses all these questions otherwise it would not be a good tool to help you write a smart AI program.

Programming Design:
1. What do you think is the best way to hold information about the space selected? Would you have 9 variables or a list?
2. Would you use while, for loop or both?

Write first draft for using pseudocode


Advanced: Recursive Functions

Computer Number Systems

Recursive Functions

A definition that defines an object in terms of itself is said to be recursive. This theoretical mathematical topic serves as an introduction to recursive programming (which is supported by Pascal, but not by most BASICs). It also provides a framework for analyzing algorithms (determining the running time and/or space required) which contain loops or recursive sections.

Many expressions may be defined recursively in a very simple and elegant manner. The art of recursive thinking is an important skill. Applications of recursion appear in many areas of mathematics (factorials, compound interest, difference equations, etc.)

In this round recursive relationships will be shown not in the context of a programming language but usually in functional notation from mathematics or in an algorithmic description.

Consider the following recursive algorithm for painting a square:

  1. Given a square.
  2. If the length of a side is less than 2 feet, then stop.
  3. Divide the square into 4 equal size squares (i.e.,
    draw a “plus” sign inside the square).
  4. Paint one of these 4 small squares.
  5. Repeat this procedure (start at step 1)
    for each of the 3 unpainted squares.

If this algorithm is applied to a square with a side of 16 feet (having a total area of 256 sq. feet), how many square feet will be painted?



Algorithm: Tic-Tac-Toe Comment

python version 3

Write an algorithm to play Tic-Tac-Toe. (Use pseudocode)
Keeping in mind the different locations in the board:

Classwork: Keep on working on your program, to implement your algorithm. Write the program for the algorithm only. There is no need to show the board at this stage. Prompt the user for a number from 1 through 9 and display back the number your program decides to occupy.

Keep in mind that you need to test your program multiple times to make sure it works properly

If your program works well, compare it to the one in the book and see if you can improve yours if it is necessary

Function: Algorithm – Tic-Tac-Toe by Al Sweigart

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Write an algorithm to play Tic-Tac-Toe. (Use pseudocode)
Keeping in mind the different locations in the board:
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A pseudocode you could follow:

start and reset the board

choose who goes first

start the while loop to play the game 

     if it is the player's turn, 
        draw the board
    prompt the user for move
    check if it is a valid move
    if the player wins, draw the board, and print a message.
    if player doesn't win, if all the spaces are taken, it is a tie, 
                               if not all spaces are taken, let the computer make a move
    if it is the computer's turn, choose a space
    if the computer wins, draw the board and print a message
    if the computer doesn't win, if all spaces are taken, it is a tie,
                     if not all spaces are taken, let the player make a move

Write small parts of the program and test them before you move on to the next one.

# Name: G. Elia
# Description: This program demonstrates definitions, variables scopes
#              and how to implement a good exit from a loop
# Version: 3.2.5
# Date: 12/8

import random

# returning a list
x = 2
y = 3

def returnAList(a,b):
    a += 2
    b += 3
    return [a,b] # This returns a list

#  Main - This is where the execution of the program starts

playAgain = "y"

while playAgain.lower().startswith('y'):
    print("Before call to returnAlist def: x =",x,"y =",y)
    xyList = returnAList(x,y)
    print("This list is coming from returnAList def: ",xyList)
    print("Before update: x =",x,"y =",y)
    x = xyList[0]
    y = xyList[1]
    print("After update: x =",x,"y =",y)
    playAgain = input("Would you like to run this program again? yes/no ")

print("Good bye")

##Before call to returnAlist def: x = 2 y = 3
##This list is coming from returnAList def:  [4, 6]
##Before update: x = 2 y = 3
##After update: x = 4 y = 6
##Would you like to run this program again? yes/no y
##Before call to returnAlist def: x = 4 y = 6
##This list is coming from returnAList def:  [6, 9]
##Before update: x = 4 y = 6
##After update: x = 6 y = 9
##Would you like to run this program again? yes/no n
##Good bye


Turn in your friend’s name for Thursday’s Hour of Code activity.
One activity you might want to show your friend:

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Algorithm: Next Hangman


Complete missing assignments before you move on

Variable Scope
Global Scope and Local Scope
Where the Program Really Begins: MAIN

Start reading the next chapter:
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Download the program and play with it. Pay special attention to details
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Functions: getGuess(alreadyGuessed) Hangman Part 3

Hangman Game

def getGuess(alreadyGuessed):
    # Returns the letter the player entered. This function makes sure the player entered a single letter, and not something else.
    while True:
        print('Guess a letter.')
        guess = input()
        guess = guess.lower()
        if len(guess) != 1:
            print('Please enter a single letter.')
        elif guess in alreadyGuessed:
            print('You have already guessed that letter. Choose again.')
        elif guess not in 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz':
            print('Please enter a LETTER.')
            return guess
missedLetters = ''
correctLetters = ''
secretWord = getRandomWord(words)
gameIsDone = False

while True:
    displayBoard(HANGMANPICS, missedLetters, correctLetters, secretWord)

    # Let the player type in a letter.
    guess = getGuess(missedLetters + correctLetters)

    if guess in secretWord:
        correctLetters = correctLetters + guess

        # Check if the player has won
        foundAllLetters = True
        for i in range(len(secretWord)):
            if secretWord[i] not in correctLetters:
                foundAllLetters = False
        if foundAllLetters:
            print('Yes! The secret word is "' + secretWord + '"! You have won!')
            gameIsDone = True
        missedLetters = missedLetters + guess

        # Check if player has guessed too many times and lost
        if len(missedLetters) == len(HANGMANPICS) - 1:
            displayBoard(HANGMANPICS, missedLetters, correctLetters, secretWord)
            print('You have run out of guesses!\nAfter ' + str(len(missedLetters)) + ' missed guesses and ' + str(len(correctLetters)) + ' correct guesses, the word was "' + secretWord + '"')
            gameIsDone = True

    # Ask the player if they want to play again (but only if the game is done).
    if gameIsDone:
        if playAgain():
            missedLetters = ''
            correctLetters = ''
            gameIsDone = False
            secretWord = getRandomWord(words)