Category Archives: Class activity

Find the largest and the smallest in a set of numbers

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Today’s discussions:
What is python programming language?

What is computer programming? What is an algorithm?

    You need paper and pen/pencil.

  • Work with a partner to do the following activity: Find the largest and the smallest in a set of numbers.
  • Your teacher will hand you a handful of folded papers with a number on each of them.
  • Open only two papers at a time while the rest of them should stayed folded.
  • minmax5

  • Write down the steps or draw a diagram to show how you calculate both numbers.
  • Switch your paper with a different group.
  • Can you follow the steps? Write comments and suggestions about it.
  • Summarize your strategy in one short paragraph in (You can do this part for homework).


  1. Send me an email with your parents email address: the email subject should have student name, class period and class name:
    Subject: 6th period – Python – Your Name
  2. Discuss the class policy with your parents.
  3. Visit and reply to the “Introduce yourself” post.

Functions: Circle Calc


Re-write the circle calculator program to use functions and add two more functions: sphereVolume
This function must:

calculate the volume of the sphere
print volume with a message

The other function, sphereSurfArea must:
calculate the surface area of the sphere
print the surface area with a message

#             Functions
def getRadius():
# prompt the user for radius
     radius = float(input(“What is the radius?”))
     print(“The circumference is “, 2 * pi * radius)
     return radius


def sphereVolume(radius):
    # calculate the volume of the sphere
    # print volume with a message


def sphereSurfArea(radius):
    # calculate the area of the sphere
    # print area with a message


#   Driver: control the flow of execution
#   main
radius = getRadius()


import math # on first line
piVariable = math.pi

Algorithm: Battleship Day 1

Preparing for the Battleship program

Play the game agains the computer here:
(You need a browser that supports the game, Firefox)

With a friend:

Play Battleship with a purpose:

Can you group the locations of the ships in categories?
The ships could be:

  • Vertical or Horizontal
  • In a corner
  • By the edges
  • In the middle

If you found a ship at a location, what would be your next move based on the grouping mentioned above?

If you want to include images, look at the next chapter from Invent with Python

pygame: The Bouncing Blocks Algorithm

doRectsOverlap and isPointInsideRect:
Collision detection is figuring when two things on the screen have touched (that is, collided with) each other. For example, if the player touches an enemy they may lose health. Or the program needs to know when the player touches a coin so that they automatically pick it up. Collision detection can help determine if the game character is standing on solid ground or if there’s nothing but empty air underneath them.

In our games, collision detection will determine if two rectangles are overlapping each other or not. Our next example program will cover this basic technique.


Later in this chapter, we’ll look at how our Pygame programs can accept input from the user through the keyboard and the mouse. It’s a bit more complicated than calling the input() function like we did for our text programs. But using the keyboard is much more interactive in GUI programs. And using the mouse isn’t even possible in our text games. These two concepts will make your games more exciting!

Source Code of the Collision Detection Program
Much of this code is similar to the animation program, so the explanation of the moving and bouncing code is skipped. (See the animation program in the Animating Graphics Chapter for that.) A block will bounce around the window and bounce off each other.

On each iteration through the game loop, the program will read each Rect object in the list and the blocks will have a reaction.

The block is represented by a dictionary. The dictionary has a key named ‘rect’ (whose value is a pygame.Rect object) and a key named ‘dir’ (whose value is one of the constant direction variables like we had in last chapter’s Animation program).


Use the functions below to make the block react differently when they are close to each other.


## copy the 

import pygame, sys, random
from pygame.locals import *

## add these two functions 

def doRectsOverlap(rect1, rect2):
    for a, b in [(rect1, rect2), (rect2, rect1)]:
        # Check if a's corners are inside b
        if ((isPointInsideRect(a.left,, b)) or
            (isPointInsideRect(a.left, a.bottom, b)) or
            (isPointInsideRect(a.right,, b)) or
            (isPointInsideRect(a.right, a.bottom, b))):
            return True
    return False

def isPointInsideRect(x, y, rect):
    if (x > rect.left) and (x < rect.right) and (y > and (y < rect.bottom):
        return True
        return False

How to use the functions:

      if b['rect'].right > WINDOWWIDTH+15:
            # block has moved past the right side
            if b['dir'] == DOWNRIGHT:
                b['dir'] = DOWNLEFT
            if b['dir'] == UPRIGHT:
                b['dir'] = UPLEFT

        ##### add the call to the doRectsOverlap by pairs of blocks
        ##### Make sure the indentations make sense!!!
       if doRectsOverlap(b3['rect'], b2['rect']):
          if b3['dir'] == UPLEFT:
                b3['dir'] = DOWNLEFT
           if b3['dir'] == UPRIGHT:
                b3['dir'] = DOWNRIGHT

       #### what other pairs do you want to check for overlaps??? 

        # draw the block onto the surface
        pygame.draw.rect(windowSurface, b['color'], b['rect'])

  # draw the window onto the screen