Write an algorithm to play Tic-Tac-Toe. (Use pseudocode)
Keeping in mind the different locations in the board:
A pseudocode you could follow:
start and reset the board choose who goes first start the while loop to play the game if it is the player's turn, draw the board prompt the user for move check if it is a valid move if the player wins, draw the board, and print a message. if player doesn't win, if all the spaces are taken, it is a tie, if not all spaces are taken, let the computer make a move if it is the computer's turn, choose a space if the computer wins, draw the board and print a message if the computer doesn't win, if all spaces are taken, it is a tie, if not all spaces are taken, let the player make a move
Write small parts of the program and test them before you move on to the next one.
# Name: G. Elia # Description: This program demonstrates definitions, variables scopes # and how to implement a good exit from a loop # Version: 3.2.5 # Date: 12/8 import random # returning a list x = 2 y = 3 def returnAList(a,b): a += 2 b += 3 return [a,b] # This returns a list # Main - This is where the execution of the program starts playAgain = "y" while playAgain.lower().startswith('y'): print("Before call to returnAlist def: x =",x,"y =",y) xyList = returnAList(x,y) print("This list is coming from returnAList def: ",xyList) print("Before update: x =",x,"y =",y) x = xyList[0] y = xyList[1] print("After update: x =",x,"y =",y) playAgain = input("Would you like to run this program again? yes/no ") print("Good bye") ##>>> ##Before call to returnAlist def: x = 2 y = 3 ##This list is coming from returnAList def: [4, 6] ##Before update: x = 2 y = 3 ##After update: x = 4 y = 6 ##Would you like to run this program again? yes/no y ##Before call to returnAlist def: x = 4 y = 6 ##This list is coming from returnAList def: [6, 9] ##Before update: x = 4 y = 6 ##After update: x = 6 y = 9 ##Would you like to run this program again? yes/no n ##Good bye ##>>>
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