Algorithm: Mail Order and Variable Scope (Resource)

Scope: Local

#      NO Imports

#  G.Elia
#  Mail Order application with functions
#  Python 3.5
#  today's date

print("This is an order form for a mail-order house.")

#      Functions' Definitions

def initializeTotal():
    totalinit = float(0)
    return totalinit

def productPrompt():
    product = int(input("Product number? "))
    return product

def quantityPrompt(product):
    quantity = int(input("Quantity? "))
    if product == 1:
        subTotal = quantity * 2.98
    elif product == 2:
        subTotal = quantity * 4.50
    elif product == 3:
        subTotal = quantity * 9.98
    elif product == 4:
        subTotal = quantity * 4.49
    elif product == 5:
        subTotal = quantity * 6.87
    return subTotal

def final (total):
    print("Total Price:",total)

# main - Driver: control the flow of execution

yesNo = 'y'
totalInit = initializeTotal()
while yesNo == 'y':
    product = productPrompt()
    totalInit += quantityPrompt(product)
    yesNo = input("Do you want to continue? (y/n) ")

## input/output
##This is an order form for a mail-order house.
##Product number? 1
##Quantity? 2
##Do you want to continue? (y/n) y
##Product number? 2
##Quantity? 3
##Do you want to continue? (y/n) n
##Total Price: 19.46
