pygame: Some advice to help you implement the cars and trucks assignment

Some advice to help you implement the cars and trucks assignment:

Consider a rectangle shape from the drawCar method as an example. The rectangle’s upper left corner is at (100,150), width is 100, and height is 50.

def drawCar(x,y,scale):
   pygame.draw.rect(surface, color,(100 + x, 50 + y, 100 * scale, 50 * scale)
   # more shapes completing the car drawing

Then in “main”:

vehicle = random.randint(1,2)
x = random.randint(20,30)
y = random.randint(10,20)
scale = random.random()

if vehicle == 1:

1. Define all definitions without x, y and scale.
2. Test them all
3. Include x and y and test your program again.
4. Include the scale and test your program again.
5. Include the random component