Write a pygame program, to draw a simple house, grass and sun image.
Here is a good resource for RGB codes:
Look at and make sure you can answer questions about lines 47 through 63.
On a mac machine:
On a Windows machine:
Courtesy from Naomi
So first you would have to download pygame through
After that, follow the steps on the “install pygame” section of this website: The only difference is that you will need to copy the pygame-1.9.2a-0-cp35-non-win32.whl file instead of the file that was in the first step. Moreover, you would be looking for python 3.5, not for python 3.4.
Graphics and Animations – Chapter 17
Answer questions on You can use the resources but work alone.
Write a python/pygame program, Draw a bull’s eye like the one below.Try to match up the colors as close as possible.
Homework: Read chapter 17 for more content details.
Graphics and Animations – Chapter 17
Complete assignments
1. Write a python/pygame program, Draw the Olympic rings like the ones below.
Try to match up the colors and the relationship between the rings.
Link for antialiased circles.
This link has more drawing options.
2. Write a pygame program, to draw a random number of different cars and/or trucks of different colors. Look at some examples bellow.
Draw composite basic shapes
Note 1: make them (at least 2 kinds of vehicles) colorful and filled in.
Note 2: create functions: drawCar and drawTruck. Both functions should take two parameters: the scaling factor (suggested factor should be less than 1) and translation constant so it can be placed in different locations. For translation only, the scaling factor should be 1 and for scaling only the translation constant should be zero.
Note 3: the cars and trucks should be placed on the surface in random locations.
Note 4: Keep on reading chapter 17
Open program and save it as Use what you learned in this program, rectangles, lines and text to draw a simple maze. Include the “Start” and “End” signs on the maze to indicate the beginning and end of the maze. Have a colorful but yet light background.
Open program and save it as Use what you learned in this program, circles, lines, and text to draw a simple circular maze. Include the “Start” and “End” signs on the maze to indicate the beginning and end of the maze. Have a colorful but yet light background.
Work on an easy maze like the one below
For the second maze you will need to know how to draw arcs.
Simple Example: Here is the code for a quarter of a green circle with radius 100
import math
pygame.draw.rect(windowSurface,RED,(50,50,100,100),5) pygame.draw.arc(windowSurface, GREEN, (50,50,100,100),math.radians(0), math.radians(90),10)
You can also draw the blue one:
Can you guess the code for the blue arc in the bottom rectangle?
Explain what each parameter represents. Be concise and give different examples
Some advice to help you implement the cars and trucks assignment:
Consider a rectangle shape from the drawCar method as an example. The rectangle’s upper left corner is at (100,150), width is 100, and height is 50.
def drawCar(x,y,scale): pygame.draw.rect(surface, color,(100 + x, 50 + y, 100 * scale, 50 * scale) # more shapes completing the car drawing
Then in “main”:
vehicle = random.randint(1,2) x = random.randint(20,30) y = random.randint(10,20) scale = random.random() if vehicle == 1: drawCar(x,y,scale) else: drawTruck(x,y,scale)
1. Define all definitions without x, y and scale.
2. Test them all
3. Include x and y and test your program again.
4. Include the scale and test your program again.
5. Include the random component
Another good link for drawing shapes.
Discussions on the program
Home work: Study the program. I will be asking you questions about it.
Think about your next program. It will be related to the but with a wall in the center.
doRectsOverlap and isPointInsideRect:
Collision detection is figuring when two things on the screen have touched (that is, collided with) each other. For example, if the player touches an enemy they may lose health. Or the program needs to know when the player touches a coin so that they automatically pick it up. Collision detection can help determine if the game character is standing on solid ground or if there’s nothing but empty air underneath them.
In our games, collision detection will determine if two rectangles are overlapping each other or not. Our next example program will cover this basic technique.
Later in this chapter, we’ll look at how our Pygame programs can accept input from the user through the keyboard and the mouse. It’s a bit more complicated than calling the input() function like we did for our text programs. But using the keyboard is much more interactive in GUI programs. And using the mouse isn’t even possible in our text games. These two concepts will make your games more exciting!
Source Code of the Collision Detection Program
Much of this code is similar to the animation program, so the explanation of the moving and bouncing code is skipped. (See the animation program in the Animating Graphics Chapter for that.) A block will bounce around the window and bounce off each other.
On each iteration through the game loop, the program will read each Rect object in the list and the blocks will have a reaction.
The block is represented by a dictionary. The dictionary has a key named ‘rect’ (whose value is a pygame.Rect object) and a key named ‘dir’ (whose value is one of the constant direction variables like we had in last chapter’s Animation program).
Use the functions below to make the block react differently when they are close to each other.
## ## copy the import pygame, sys, random from pygame.locals import * ## add these two functions def doRectsOverlap(rect1, rect2): for a, b in [(rect1, rect2), (rect2, rect1)]: # Check if a's corners are inside b if ((isPointInsideRect(a.left,, b)) or (isPointInsideRect(a.left, a.bottom, b)) or (isPointInsideRect(a.right,, b)) or (isPointInsideRect(a.right, a.bottom, b))): return True return False def isPointInsideRect(x, y, rect): if (x > rect.left) and (x < rect.right) and (y > and (y < rect.bottom): return True else: return False
How to use the functions:
if b['rect'].right > WINDOWWIDTH+15: # block has moved past the right side if b['dir'] == DOWNRIGHT: b['dir'] = DOWNLEFT if b['dir'] == UPRIGHT: b['dir'] = UPLEFT ##### add the call to the doRectsOverlap by pairs of blocks ##### Make sure the indentations make sense!!! if doRectsOverlap(b3['rect'], b2['rect']): if b3['dir'] == UPLEFT: b3['dir'] = DOWNLEFT if b3['dir'] == UPRIGHT: b3['dir'] = DOWNRIGHT #### what other pairs do you want to check for overlaps??? # draw the block onto the surface pygame.draw.rect(windowSurface, b['color'], b['rect']) # draw the window onto the screen pygame.display.update() time.sleep(0.02)
Classwork: Modify CollisionDetection program so the bouncer gets bigger when it eats the green food,
Hint: use the attributes of the rectangle: width and length to increase the size of the gobbler.
bouncer[‘rect’].width and bouncer[‘rect’].height.
2nd version of the Collision Detection is the program, the green food bounces off the bouncer as it gets closer to it.
Note: The food doesn’t have to bounce off the edges of the window. They run off the window for the
Hint for use the attributes of the rectangle: width and length to increase the size of the gobbler.
bouncer[‘rect’].width and bouncer[‘rect’].height.
Discussions on concepts you should know:
Read chapter 17 topics we covered in class.
Classwork: Modify CollisionDetection program so the green food bounces off the bouncer as it gets closer to the it,
Note: The food doesn’t have to bounce off the edges of the window. They run off the window.
3rd version of the Collision Detection is the program, the green food falls off the top of the window as the bouncer moves throuh the window in its own fashion way.
Classwork: Modify pygameInput program so the the food falls down as if it were raining,
Homework: Read Source Code of the Keyboard Input Program from chapter 18 in the link.
Continue working on the program,
Home work: Keep on reading chapter 17.
Visit to answer the following questions from your reading material:
1. If a block is moving DOWNLEFT, how is the x coordinate behaving? how is the y coordinate behaving?
2. If a block is moving DOWNRIGHT, how is the x coordinate behaving? how is the y coordinate behaving?
3. If a block is moving UPLEFT, how is the x coordinate behaving? how is the y coordinate behaving?
4. If a block is moving UPRIGHT, how is the x coordinate behaving? how is the y coordinate behaving?
5. If a block is moving UPRIGHT, when would it bounce off the top of the window?
6. If a block is moving UPRIGHT, when would it bounce off the right side of the window?
7. If a block is moving DOWNRIGHT, when would it bounce off the bottom of the window?
8. If a block is moving UPLEFT, when would it bounce off the left side of the window?
9. Why did the author pick numbers 1, 3, 7, and 9 for the constants DOWNLEFT, DOWNRIGHT, UPLEFT AND UPRIGHT?
Think about your next program. It will be related to the but with a simple maze.
Another good link for drawing shapes.
Write a program, similar to but with a short wall in the center of the window.
Challenge: Two walls in the center where the blocks will go through it. (Optional)
Home work: Keep on reading chapter 17.
Think about your next program. It will be related to the but with a simple maze.
Write a pygame program, Use the code you learned in but with a simple maze like the one below.
Some of last previous years’ mazes:
Visit to answer the following questions from Chapter 17 reading material:
1. If a block is moving DOWNLEFT, how is the x coordinate behaving? how is the y coordinate behaving?
2. If a block is moving DOWNRIGHT, how is the x coordinate behaving? how is the y coordinate behaving?
3. If a block is moving UPLEFT, how is the x coordinate behaving? how is the y coordinate behaving?
4. If a block is moving UPRIGHT, how is the x coordinate behaving? how is the y coordinate behaving?
5. If a block is moving UPRIGHT, when would it bounce off the top of the window?
6. If a block is moving UPRIGHT, when would it bounce off the right side of the window?
7. If a block is moving DOWNRIGHT, when would it bounce off the bottom of the window?
8. If a block is moving UPLEFT, when would it bounce off the left side of the window?
9. Why did the author pick numbers 1, 3, 7, and 9 for the constants DOWNLEFT, DOWNRIGHT, UPLEFT AND UPRIGHT?
Write a pygame program, Use the code you learned in but with a simple maze like the one below.
Visit to answer these questions from Chapter 17.
1. Coming soon.
2. What is 0.2 in the line: time.sleep(0.2)? How is it calculated?
3. What would happen if time.sleep(0.2) was omitted?
4. What would happen if windowSurface.fill(BLACK) was omitted and time.sleep(0.2) is changed to time.sleep(1.0)?
Classwork: Write the following program using what you learned in this chapter:
Due date:
More on
Write a python/pygame program, similar to previous program, However, in this program the user doesn’t know where the matching card is since the cards are not showing their images. If the user guesses right, the sound should indicate so and the two cards go away. Just like in the previous assignment the sound indicate when it is wrong. The card should be expose so the user will remember where the cards are.
Homework: Start reading chapter 14 – Caesar Cipher
Classwork: Modify CollisionDetection program so the bouncer gets bigger when it eats the green food,
Sean Shypula will be visiting PHS today. He will be talking about his journey from high school student to his current life on the “Bungie Farm”. We will welcome Sean in room 242 during periods 6 and 7.
NOTE: make sure your permission slip gets signed by Wednesday.
Short Bio:
Sean Shypula grew up in Miami, FL and from a young age was fascinated with computers and all things electronic. In an age before the widespread use of the internet, he managed to teach himself how to write simple programs on his Commodore 64 based upon a few CS books found in a public library, bits of source code found in the back pages of Byte magazine, and a lot of trial and error. He followed this passion into college earning a degree in Computer Engineering from the University of Florida in 2003. After college he decided to pursue his true goal of one day being able to make video games for a living, and in 2006 earned a Master’s degree in Computer Science from DigiPen Institute of Technology in Redmond, Washington. Sean was quickly hired by Bungie Studios, where he has happily been building the studio’s tools and infrastructure ever since. Sean’s credits include Halo 3, Halo ODST, Halo Reach, and the soon-to-be-released Destiny, which will be the first of a long series of games and the first new franchise for the studio since gaining their independence from Microsoft in 2007.
1. What is the syntax to load an image?
2. What type of files can be images for pygame?
3. What is the syntax that defines the size of the image?
4. How do you create a pygame.mixer.Sound object?
5. What is the syntax to load the background music?
6. Describe the 3 argumenst in, 0.0).
Homework: Read chapter 19 – Sound and Images
Visit to answer 8 questions from chapter 19
Write a python/pygame program, similar to However, in this program there are no cherries and no player but when you click on the black surface an image shows up. Have 10 different images so when you click with the mouse one of those random images is selected for display. The image should disappear when you release the mouse button. Find two different sounds, one for clicking and one for the release of the mouse button. Make sure you use at least one list.
Note: there are libraries of sound files online. Look for the right one for your application.
Homework: Keep on reading chapter 19 – Sound and Images
Classwork: Continue working on current assignments.
Homework: Read chapter 19 – Sound and Images
April 27th, 2016
Simplified Space Invaders
You can simplify the invaders to have different shapes.
You can simplify the shape of the buildings.
The behavior of the game has to be the same:
a. The invaders move right to left as they move down.
b. The bullets destroy the invaders ( they disappear).
c. The bullets destroy the buildings ( they disappear).
d. Keep score and lives.
e. Final message: Game Over
Optional Challenge: Have different levels of difficulty
Homework: Check
Use pixelArray or other shapes from and what you learned from previous assignments to write the program
# get a pixel array of the surface pixArray = pygame.PixelArray(windowSurface) pixArray[480][380] = BLACK
Some helpful syntax:
pixArray = pygame.PixelArray(windowSurface) pixArray[400][100] = BLACK pixArray[pygame.mouse.get_pos()[0]][pygame.mouse.get_pos()[1]] = BLACK del pixArray
pygame.mouse.get_pos()–> [x,y]
pygame.mouse.get_pos()[0] –> x
pygame.mouse.get_pos()[1] –> y